Available Works

Monday, January 20, 2014

"Incandescent" 18" x 24" by Carrie Waller

"Incandescent" 18" x 24" watercolor by Carrie Waller
I may not have slept in the past 24 hours but I have a completed painting!  Yay!!!  And I completed by my competition deadline.  Just have to drop the entry in the mail tomorrow, phew!

It's hard to believe that I started this the day I came down with the flu.  I should probably title this "Tamiflu" because without it I wouldn't have this painting,  miracle drug I tell you.

I want to thank everyone for the comments that you've been making.  If I weren't so sleep deprived I would e-mail you all.  I appreciate every comment and trust me when I'm tired and in the home stretch of a painting your comments pull me through.

Now I'm going to sleep!  Tomorrow the Christmas trees come down because I have a newspaper photo shoot on Wednesday!  Love my crazy life:)


Sunday, January 19, 2014

"Incandescent" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by Carrie Waller

Hi Everyone,
"Incandescent" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by Carrie Waller
After pulling an all-nighter.  I am in a much better place with this painting and I may just make my competition deadline.  Feeling slightly relieved:)


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Beginning again

Hi Everyone,

No  I didn't fall of the planet.  I did however get the flu and so did my husband.  Both my sons were down too, one had a double ear infection and the other pneumonia.  So it de-railed my painting every day for 30 days attempt.  But I did paint, I just didn't have time to post.
"Banned" 18" x 24" watercolor by Carrie Waller
After I finished Banned.  I decided to take a break from the bulbs and switch to another painting I'm planning on doing with my workshop coming up in February 7 &8.  Visit Louisiana Watercolor Society for details.  I want to complete the large painting  and then demo on an 8x10 size.
"Vintage Appeal" 21" x 18" work in progress watercolor by Carrie Waller
So I started this one called "Vintage Appeal".  But I just wasn't finished with the lightbulbs and kept thinking about them and I have a deadline for a competition that I is knocking on my door so I decided to stop and start "Incandescent.
"Incandescent" 18" x 24" watercolor work in progress by Carrie Waller
This is the beginning stage of "Incandescent" I've spent 2 days so far. One day on the drawing and another on the painting.  I need to paint with the speed of light to pull this off by my deadline so wish me luck.

And just my luck when you have deadlines and need to get images resized for competitions my computer decided to do some weird update that screwed everything up.  So after a very helpful conversation with Apple support my computer issue was resolved and after installing my latest Adobe update I think my photoshop problems are in the past.  Phew!!!  Technology is the best and worst:)


Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24", watercolor by Carrie Waller

"Banned" 18" x 24" watercolor, completed by Carrie Waller
In spite of a little boy with 104 fever last night, I finished my painting.  Sam is much better today and I was staying up to monitor him during his sleep so I thought I may as well paint.  I'm hoping he just had a 24 hour thing.  Can I tell you how done I am with the winter and sickness at our house.  Bring on spring and summer!

So I present you after 12 days of working on this painting a completed "Banned".  I love the color scheme and I will be doing at least one more lightbulb painting.  But I'm taking a break and painting another painting in the mean time.  If I were not participating in the 30 in 30 challenge, which I've adapted to 30 day of continuous painting.  So I'm doing the drawing for my next painting today.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24" watercolor, work in progress by Carrie Waller Day #10

"Banned" 18" x 24" watercolor, work in progress by Carrie Waller
So stinkin' close to be finished:)  But these reflected areas of light on the left side of the painting require me to take my time.  I want them to be beautiful.  So I'm stretching it out one more day.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Banned" work in progress 18" x 24" watercolor Day # 8

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress watercolor by Carrie Waller
Since I just fell asleep with the paintbrush in my hand I'm calling it a night.

So close to the finish line:)


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress watercolor by Carrie Waller Day #7

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by CarrieWaller
Today is the perfect example of why I decided to take part in Leslie's 30 in 30 challenge.  I knew from the beginning I would not be attempting to complete a painting a day but I wanted to keep myself on track while I pushed through working on some larger competition pieces.  Today I am so glad I decided to take part in the challenge.  I normally would not of put brush to paper.  I am on day 2 of a migraine.  I had to drop some art off today and spent a bulk of my day running errands and having lunch with a friend (and yes I can function with a migraine, it's just not fun and I did take meds and a nap to try to get rid of it)!.   On a normal day I would have just chalked it up to a non-painting day but I decided to make myself paint for  few hours this evening.  It may not look like I got a lot done but I did get about 3 hours in and I feel really good about tomorrow.  I have an entire day planned of painting, yay!!!!


"Banned" work in progress Day #6

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by Carrie Waller
Here is my progress for Day #6.  Not too bad considering the kids had their first day back, I had a migraine most of the day and I got all of the laundry done.  It's a balancing act:)


Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress by Carrie Waller Day # 5

"Banned" work in progress, 18" x 24" watercolor by Carrie Waller
School starts tomorrow, aghhhh!  Not ready for the 7 a.m. wake up call.  Anyone want to volunteer to take the kids to school:)  I'm moving along on my painting.  A little slow.  I took part of the day off.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Banned" work in progress Day 4

Hi Everyone,
"Banned" work in progress, watercolor 18" x 24" by Carrie Waller
I'm moving along.  I was up until 4 a.m. painting last night.  I find it easiest to paint when the house is quiet.  Can I tell you how much I'm going to miss Christmas break, no getting up at 7 a.m.  I am looking forward to getting back into a routine but why can't the kid's school start at a reasonable hour like 9 or 10 a.m. ?


Friday, January 3, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress watercolor Day #2

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by
Carrie Waller 
Here is my progress so far.  I'm trying to paint at least 2 lightbulbs a day.  Each one takes 3-4 hours.  I told you I paint slow:)


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Leslie's 30in 30 challenge "Banned" work in progress

Hi Everyone,
"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress watercolor by Carrie Waller

I'm participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge again.  This time I have several competition pieces I'm working on so I won't be completing a painting a day but I will be posting my work in progress paintings each day.

My work in progress today is called "Banned".  That is the working  title.  I was out shopping for lightbulbs the other day and had the hardest time finding regular old incandescent bulbs.  My husband informed me that they won't be selling them in the U.S. anymore because they've been banned.  This made me want to paint them.  They are really beautiful.  Stay tuned for each day's post because the reflections and shadows cast are really quite beautiful.  It really feels like a dance.  Can't wait to show you more:)
