Available Works

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress by Carrie Waller Day # 5

"Banned" work in progress, 18" x 24" watercolor by Carrie Waller
School starts tomorrow, aghhhh!  Not ready for the 7 a.m. wake up call.  Anyone want to volunteer to take the kids to school:)  I'm moving along on my painting.  A little slow.  I took part of the day off.



  1. This is looking FABULOUS, Carrie!!! Can't wait to see it finished.
    I don't think you paint slowly - it seems to be at my speed. :)
    Wishing you a most Joyful and Creative HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
    Kathryn xx

    1. Thanks so much Kathryn! It's just so tedious! Do you ever have trouble staying focused? Sometimes I feel like I have ADD.

  2. I am holding my breath since ths one is coming out more and more beautifully with every day that goes by! You will make a master piece Carrie! And compared to me you are very very focused -- I can never work on the same piece for more than a couple of hours!

    1. Thank you Arena! I'm totally into painting right now and it's passed midnight. So I'm forcing myself to go to bed because I have to take the kiddos to school in the morning. I wish I could get in the groove earlier in the day:(

  3. I'm thinking school will be called off today around where I live due to both snow and temps. Maybe you won't have to venture out either?! Looks awesome still, Carrie.

  4. We had school today Sherry. The kids were severely disappointed with mother nature, there were thoughts of snow day when they went to bed. They are both back to school and the sun is out. Time to paint!
