Available Works

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress watercolor by Carrie Waller Day #7

"Banned" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by CarrieWaller
Today is the perfect example of why I decided to take part in Leslie's 30 in 30 challenge.  I knew from the beginning I would not be attempting to complete a painting a day but I wanted to keep myself on track while I pushed through working on some larger competition pieces.  Today I am so glad I decided to take part in the challenge.  I normally would not of put brush to paper.  I am on day 2 of a migraine.  I had to drop some art off today and spent a bulk of my day running errands and having lunch with a friend (and yes I can function with a migraine, it's just not fun and I did take meds and a nap to try to get rid of it)!.   On a normal day I would have just chalked it up to a non-painting day but I decided to make myself paint for  few hours this evening.  It may not look like I got a lot done but I did get about 3 hours in and I feel really good about tomorrow.  I have an entire day planned of painting, yay!!!!



  1. One thing that helps me a little when I get a bad headache is ice. I too get migraines but not nearly as frequently as when I was younger. I never could function with them...vomiting was the norm for me with these...hurts so bad you cry, the crying hurts so bad...Can't sleep with the pain...Always ended up in the ER until I started Midrin and later, Imitrex. Now I take 10 mg of Amitriptyline per day as a prophylactic.

  2. I Love seeing your progress...REALLY NEAT to see!

  3. Carrie - this is really looking like a winner. I love the lavenders you are using in this work. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I looked at your website, and all of your work is so beautiful. This one is my all time favorite though. You should enter it in many shows. A BEST OF SHOW in my book! Can't wait to see it finished, but even like it unfinished!
