Available Works

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

7 Links Challenge

Hi Everyone,

A 7 links challenge has been spreading around blog-land.  This challenge lets you take a step back reflect and share some of our posts again.  I have really enjoyed reading everyone else's choices. My friend Sandra of Sandraws has challenged me, you really must visit her blog, she does some amazing work.

The challenge asks you to revisit:

Your most beautiful post
Your most popular post
Your most controversial post
Your most helpful post
A post whose success surprised you
A post you feel didn't get the attention it deserved
The post you are most proud of

Then tag other bloggers and it goes on and on. I think this is a great idea because there are some gems hidden in most bloggers archives so this is a great way to dust them off and let them be seen again.

So here are my 7 links:)

Your most beautiful post


This painting really had so much meaning.  Personally and artistically I think this painting is a success.

Your most popular post


This was interesting.  I wasn't sure which post was my most popular.  So I had to look through them all.  So by a few comments here is my most popular.
I finished this painting around the Holidays, on a deadline of course, and behind of course.  There was lot going on and we had family in town but I after a few all nighters I finished this painting on time and entered it into the Montgomery Art Guild Exhibit.  I was thrilled to find out that is was one of 76 paintings chosen out of almost 400 entered to be included in an exhibit at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art.

What a surreal moment to walk in a museum and see your own artwork on the wall.  A proud day for me:)

Your most controversial post

I'm not really a controversial artist so  I had to dig deep to figure this one out.  The most controversial thing I've posted about was a personal decision to commit to this blog and to painting a painting a week.  I wasn't sure if I could do it, if I would burn out, or what this journey was going to be like, but I did it.  I plugged away week after week and I'm still here.  I will say it has been one of the best and most satisfying decisions that I have made in my life.

Your most helpful post


 This post was fun and I had a good response.  I posted about my process and how I work as an artist.  I find it very interesting to see how other artists work.  I think this is the best way to learn.  We all work a little differently and you never know what little tip you may pick up that can change your life.

 A post whose success surprised you


In this post I talked about winning my first, first place award.  I wasn't surprised by the support and congratulatory comments for winning, I was surprised at the response to the emotional struggle I had to enter into a competition.  I was so nervous and excited and overwhelmed by the process of entering an exhibit and I described it all in this post.  So many fellow artists identified and cheered me on.  It was extremely encouraging and motivational.

A post you feel didn't get the attention it deserved
 I'm going to cop out on this one.  I really haven't had a post that I felt was ignored.  Of course in the early days of my blog I only had a few comments here or there, but that's to be expected.  Other than that it's been pretty consistent.

 The post you are most proud of


This post was early on in my blog, but it was a turning point for me.  I was really scared of color and this painting was one of my first ventures into the wonderful world of color.  I was encouraged by comments and it really pushed me to the next level.  I gained confidence and really realized that this whole painting on a regular basis thing just might be the way to go.

Now I'm challenging
Virginia Floyd
Olivia Quintin
Nancy Laliberte
Kelley MacDonald
Julie Hill
Tag your it:)

Hope you enjoy today's it was a trip down memory lane.



  1. Well of course they are all incredible! I showed my forteen year old son your paintings and he simply would not believe that the top one wasn't a photo, lol! That was until he saw the step by step and then his face changed from dis-belief to completely amazement! As much as I love them all, if I had to choose a favourite, I think it would be the second. I think it's because of it's warmth - those colours are amongst my favourites! And it reminds me of autumn which is my favourite time of year :0)

  2. PS - Just noticed all of those typos - whoops! Thank you so much by the way for your kind mention :0)

  3. Wonderful idea and watercolors Carrie !It's so intersting to think about it. I will do it in a few days. Tomorrow sailing... Bises Carrie !

  4. I havent seen the last watercolor before. It's lovely! I think it's my favourite so far.

  5. Love your choices! All of your work is unbelievably good, so I don't know how you could ever choose. It's so interesting to see why you chose these particular ones. What a great challenge! It's good to step back once in a while and evaluate how we feel about our own work.

  6. Carrie, I love all these paintings. The apples on stripes was your first painting that I ever saw and I fell in love with your work. I love all these. Each is unique and beautiful.

    I am amazed and honored that you chose me for the challenge. Thank you. Gosh, there are so many other talented artists out there! I'll have to work on this for awhile before I post.

  7. Oh heck!!!! I just read your entire post, was thoroughly enjoying your paintings, musings, and of course, learning more about you...then I get to the "tag, your it section"...and whats this? "me?". Well, my friend, I am going to have to sit on this a awhile, research it and ponder it...Thanks so much for thinking of me. Hugs!

  8. Fabulous paintings, Carrie! I always enjoy your work and the stories behind them. Your balancing family and art is inspiring, too. Thank you so much for the honor of the challenge.
