Sunday, January 19, 2014

"Incandescent" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by Carrie Waller

Hi Everyone,
"Incandescent" 18" x 24" work in progress, watercolor by Carrie Waller
After pulling an all-nighter.  I am in a much better place with this painting and I may just make my competition deadline.  Feeling slightly relieved:)



  1. You really have had a bad time with illness in your family! I hope all of you are now well.
    "Incandescent" is brilliant!!! And kudos to you for keeping on going with everyone sick.
    Kathryn XX

  2. This is beautiful, Carrie. You make the most mundane of items gorgeous. I don't know how you managed an all-nighter! I haven't done one of those in many, many years. Hope you get through the day easily!

  3. Oh What can I say! You make it seem like these are taking an age to do, but to the rest of us it seems more like you are knocking out masterpieces left, right and centre!!! Another remarkably amazing piece of work! :0)

  4. Carrie, I am astounded by these works!! they are my very favorite of yours, i cannot put into words how much i love them. Amazing!!!! Bravo!!

  5. This looks AMAZING! I love this series. Such beautiful colors. You are so stinkin' good!! I talk about your art all the time to my students -- and have them look at your work. I'm teaching an upcoming class on painting glass (by request) and will once again, direct them to your work -- you are "the queen of glass!" :)

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