Available Works

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Vintage Appeal"

"Vintage Appeal" 18" x 24" watercolor by Carrie Waller

I'm finally finished. I have a couple tweaks to do but other than that I'm calling this one done. I started this painting during my workshop in February. I'm going to do a modified version for my upcoming workshop in Baton Rouge, LA in May.

We are in clean out and sort mode as we prepare to move to Japan. I can't believe it is already March even though looking outside it still looks like December. Time is flying by. 



  1. Congratulations on an outstanding piece, Carrie!!

  2. Oh my, you are moving to Japan. I can just imagine the sights and sounds that will inspire you there. Also what a wonderful education your sons are getting by actually living in all of these places. I hope they take the changes well and it is not too hard leaving their friends all the time. Lots of your special Mothering will see them through.

  3. Another amazing glass piece, Carrie. I hope you enjoy your time in Japan too. I remember when we had to move to Ankara, Turkey when my girls' dad got orders to serve there. What an amazing experience it was, too!

  4. As someone who love vintage (writes collects and dances) this is spectacular. Its really is gorgeous. What an amazing painter you are. Best of luck on your art.

  5. I am in awe of the way you paint glass. The colours are stunning! Good luck in your new adventure!

  6. I am fast running out of different words for 'awesome'... 'fab'... 'amazing'... Maybe I should copy and paste my comment on every one of your posts... But then that would be a trifle dull! But the thing is, every painting you do is all of those things! You never fail to dazzle! :0)

  7. I've always admired your work, success and energy. Good luck with your move.
