Available Works

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Vintage Appeal" work in progress

Hi Everyone,
"Vintage Appeal" 18" x 24" watercolor work in progress.  It's so good to take pictures along the way.  I'm noticing all of my not so straight jar tops.  I will fix this.
I'm gearing up for a watercolor workshop this weekend.  "The Art of Painting Glass" in Covington, Louisiana.  This painting will be my demo.  I'm hoping to complete this 18" x 24" version before I leave and demoing the same painting at 8" x 10".



  1. It is beautiful already, Carrie. I know you will have a great time at your workshop too and meet new friends.

  2. best wishes for your workshop! Your students are in for a treat.

  3. This painting is just amazing! The detail on and transparency of the glass are masterful.
    I wish I could take the workshop!
