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Monday, December 16, 2013

Carrie's Favorite Things

Hi Everyone,

Since I'm slow on the painting front at the moment I thought I would share my favorite things list:)  I would love to hear (read) some of yours in the comment section.

I'll start with the most life changing tool I use for my art.  My Ipad, full sized, please!  It has truly transformed how I paint.  I use it for taking reference photos, and I paint from my I pad.  The image is amazing way better than any printed off photograph.  If you haven't tried it you need too!!!
My favorite paints are Daniel Smith watercolors.  Their Quinacridones are the best.  They are limited and will run out in the next few years so stock up now.

My favorite brushes are Richeson brushes.  Daniel Smith sells a set that I've been using.  It's the Laurin McCracken set and it has a size 2, 4 and 6 kolinsky sable.  But I've been hearing so much about
Rosemary brushes that I'm going to have to try those as well.

My favorite pencils for drawing are mechanical pencils.  You can get the tiny details without having to sharpen your pencil all the time.  I'm cranky if I can't find a mechanical pencil in the house:)

My favorite paper is Arches 260lb.  Because 140 is too thin and buckles and 300lb is too thick and soft.  260lb is just right:))  Thanks to Paul Jackson for turning me onto this paper.  I did hear that Canson bought Arches so I'll probably be purchasing quite a bit of this before Canson starts making it.

My favorite thing to watch while I'm painting are movies.  I love streaming movies and shows through Netflix and Amazon video which comes free if you sign up for Amazon Prime.

My favorite movie at the moment to watch while I'm painting is "It's Complicated" starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin.  Love, love, love this movie and have watched it a thousand times.

Another favorite movie I watch is "Something's Gotta Give".  I know you're probably wondering how can you watch a movie and paint? Well, I'm not a music person.  It gets on my nerves when I'm painting.  So I love having movies or shows on.  I mostly listen but am able to watch too, I'm a multi-tasker.  Talking to other people that have trouble listening to music while creating I think that I have to have by brain engaged, listening to talk, or pod-casts, or talk radio.   Music makes me think to much and I need to be able to zone out to paint.

Not only do I love Something's Gotta Give for the movie but who wouldn't want to create here

Or live here.  I just love the interiors in this movie and would love to have a house that looked just like this!!

And because I love her desk so much in Something's Gotta Give I had to buy this one when I found it at an antique store.  It's my painting desk.  It was in a legal office in New Orleans and is solid wood and really old.  I love it!  I put the glass top on it, it doesn't quite fit so I'll have to order one.

If you haven't listened to this podcast you have too!!!  Artists Helping Artists is the best blog radio show out there.  Tons of free marketing information and interviews with amazing artists.  There is something for every artist.  You can find it on itunes for free or you can listen right on the website.  You must tune in.  A new show airs every Thursday and I've co-hosted often.

And this is what I use every day.  I love EOS sweet mint.  It's an organic product.  It's amazing and addicting.  Love it!!  I also love Burt's Bees, I'm for anything that is all natural and not tested on animals and that is an amazing product.  I wear the color rhubarb and raisin in lieu of lipstick because it does just as good a job.

I hope to do a favorites things list more often because it's just fun:))  Tell me some of your favorites:)



  1. Wow! I am so with you on the first three! It may take me some time to come up with my own list, but I have to say THANK YOU for informing us as well as you did about quin colors and Arches paper! I am addicted to both, and will advance order accordingly.

    1. Bridget, if you do order a lot of Arches, please make sure your room is temp & humidity controlled. I've had mold issues when I kept it too long (lived in Memphis at the time).

  2. So happy to know that I am not the only person to drool over the lovely house and all its furnishings from "Something's Gotta Give". I rarely rewatch or reread anything, but I never miss an opportunity to watch this movie! Love your art, Carrie.

  3. Oh my what a wonderful list of faves. Just one thing missing.....what is your favorite food and drink? You can't live on love now you know so you must have a fave food and drink.

  4. Carrie I love the interiors of 'Something's gotta Give " too! Another home movie interior I'm in love with is "The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz.

    1. I haven't watched The Holiday in a long time so I just downloaded it through itunes. The same set designer did both Something's Gotta Give and The Holiday! I love her work!

  5. That part about watching movies is a new one for me. I started doing this a couple of weeks ago and it does make a difference. Especially considering I've seen every movie I own at least once, so I don't need to keep my eyes glued to the screen the whole time. I have my shadow box set on my desk, right next to my computer screen, so I can set up a small still life and go to it. Or I can put the movie on one part of my computer screen and a reference photo on another. And I like the unspoken time limit. I like to try to finish the painting by the time the movie ends. Last night it was Local Color and a small still life. This afternoon I think it's going to be The Bext Exotic Marigold Hotel and another still life.

    1. I think it helps if it's something you've seen before:) I wish I could finish a painting in a movie! It takes me forever!!

  6. I have used DS paints since the early 90's exclusively...if they stopped I would stop painting is all I can say...and if Arches changes I am up a creek too! ha!
    I love EO Body Lotion and all smells but mostly the Rose Geranium.
    Love to play Bejeweled and I do Sudoku every day for my brain...what little is left! ha! I love Black Gold paint brushes...used them for about 10 years. And like you I am using my ipad more for painting...I wish I was better at this as I know I could use it for more to help me but just have to figure it out. I rarely use masking but when I do I like the DS brand...it has a pretty fine nozzle on it and most importantly is that since I use it about twice a year...it doesn't get old fast like the others do...that is great for me!
    My art table is a favorite thing...I went to a furniture store and bought a 6 foot beautiful table with one chair...the delivery people thought they had forgotten something, the store owner thought I was nuts! ha! I do wish I had placed glass on the top however like you have suggested...

  7. Oh what a fabulous post, Carrie! So fun learning more about you!

  8. What? Where did you hear the quins were going away? I love them! And when did Canson buy Arches? I use only Arches 400 lb,.
    Love your work, btw. However do you get such lovely darks?

    1. I confirmed it with DS, the quinacridones are going away:( They only have so much of it left and then it's gone. Not sure about the Arches rumor I will have to confirm that one as well. I use indigo and sepia mixed together for my darks.

  9. I have both an iPad and a MacBook Air. I paint from the MacBook Air and take my iPad on all my travels whether for fun, painting or blogging from wherever I am. This type of "how to" blog is terrific. Thank you. Now just don't go too far away. :(

    1. MacBook Air is on my wish list. Thanks for the compliments and the great thing about blogging and fb is doesn't matter where I live I can still do both:)

  10. I know what you mean about favorite colors, Carrie. I love W&N's Brown Madder Alizarin. When they discontinued it, I lamented the fact to any of my friends that would listen. Lo and behold, as those friends would travel, they'd return with tubes and tubes of it for me. They'd find them primarily in smaller towns where inventory doesn't turn over as often! I have ONE TUBE left...don't make me cry!

  11. Helen I'll keep my eye out for that paint! I'm sad for you that you only have 1 tube left:(

  12. Wow, I love your favorite things and can't wait to check out that lip gloss. Happy Holidays and thanks so much for this really interesting list!

  13. This is a great wish/love list, Carrie. I LOVE Daniel Smith quinacridone paints, too. Thank you for the note that they are limited. Do you know why? Must stock up!!!

  14. Hi Carrie. Love your list! I love the quinacridone colors too; my absolute favorite watercolor paper in Sennelier, which unfortunately only comes in smallish blocks. I want to start using my iPad for my art more ... Are there any apps you'd recommend?
