Available Works

Monday, October 14, 2013

National Military Spouse Network

"NMSN" original watercolor by Carrie Waller 16" x 20"
I'm on my way to DC, government shutdown or not:)  I'm helping curate a military spouse art exhibit during the National Military Spouse Summit next weekend.  I can't wait to see all of the art work that was submitted in person.  It will be fun to see some of my art friends on the east coast as well.

I'm sharing the painting I did for NMSN for this years marketing material.  The president of NMSN, Sue Hoppin, and I collaborated to get this still life composition.  She wanted it to convey the story of what a military spouse endures during their active duty years.  In this image I used the vintage airplane tags and tickets as an indication of all the places the military can send you.  The globe is to share the world mission and where all the assignments can take you.  The 3 books Sue asked me to include, they are all on the subject of the military spouse and trying to find employment .  The Dummies book Sue co-authored.  The ipad on top shows the logo and mission statement for NMSN.

Looking forward to meeting a lot of fellow military spouse professionals:)



  1. Wow! I can't get my head around the complexity of this! The detail is incredible!! I don't know how you do it - I wish I did! It's just fantastic! :0)

  2. WOW, I'm speechless. I agree with Sandra that the detail is incredible. Hope it all goes well.

  3. This is AMAZING Carrie! I as well am left with no words...this is truly beautiful...congratulations and the best to you with the art exhibit..

  4. What a fabulous piece. I must admit that I loved being a military spouse and did it for 7 years before my divorce. Don't miss him but I miss the military life indeed.
