Available Works

Monday, September 9, 2013

Work In Progress 8/30

Work in Progress watercolor by Carrie Waller 10.5 " x 12"
Thought I would share my work in progress.  I had the best time painting the zinnias.  That is why I love painting commissions because I never would have painted a zinnia if not for this painting.



  1. So looking amazing, Carrie!! I know it shouldn't surprise when people love Shakespeare but for me that old English syntax is too much a pain to translate. LOL

    1. Sherry, the lady I'm painting this for is a retired English and Humanities teacher. She taught Shakespeare for years.

  2. Wow - this is stunning! I LOVE panting gilded books. The last bear I posted had a selection of old gilded books in it and they were my favorite part to paint. It's the gold lettering and rough edges I enjoy so much :0)
    This is going to be beautiful! :0)

    1. Thanks Sandra:) I agree I love painting the old tattered, gilded books. I had the best time getting the texture on the top book, it really looks exactly like the book:)

  3. Loving the direction. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

  4. Wow, this is really coming together beautifully. I hope all is well with you and yours.
