Available Works

Monday, September 2, 2013

Jacques 2/30

"Jacques" original watercolor by Carrie Waller 5" x7"  $75
"William, Canarde Comandant" original watercolor by Carrie Waller 5" x 7"   $75
Hi Everyone,
I'm participating in Leslie Saeta's 30/30 painting challenge.  I didn't do this the first time around, so I'm attempting it this time.

I decided to paint some architectural features that I photographed years ago when we lived in Europe.  I just loved this French Architecture and the amazing amount of detail that went into the building.  As I was pondering a title it occurred to me that all of my French Faces have beards, which got me thinking about the latest bearded fascination, Duck Dynasty.  So I have my own Canarde Dynastie (Duck Dynasty in French).  Day 1 I painted William he is the Canarde Comandant.  He has to put up with the rest of these blockheads and all their shenanigans.  

Today I painted "Jacques" also knows as Jac.  He's William's brother and will do anything to get out of work at the family Canarde call business.



  1. Great work, Carrie. I love these types of architectural details.

  2. love these paintings...love the stories too!!!

  3. I love these Carrie! Shows even though you are in motion (a moving car), you can still paint lovely paintings

  4. What a fun series to watch unfold.

  5. Wow! You guys are all so brave to take on this challenge! I was hesitating at the beginning, as I still remember how much pressure I was under the first time around. But I am totally encouraged by you and Kara, and decide to jump in at last! I love your new direction -- the limited palette made this series very graceful, and emphasized the 3-D effect really well. The sculptures look whimsical -- and I am amazed that you can do one of them each day give the crazy amount of details involved!...

  6. Awesome idea with 30 and 30 challenge!
