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Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Feature: Dottie T Leatherwood Day 13/30

Today's Friday Feature is Dottie T. Leatherwood.  Dottie is doing a phenomenal job with the 30 paintings in 30 day challenge so I wanted to share her works with you:)   Dottie also shared some insights about participating in the challenge.

To see more of Dottie's works or to purchase a painting visit her website, blog and Facebook

1. Why did you decide to do the challenge?  Because Leslie made me....just kidding.  I enjoy a challenge and I wanted to have some new fresh work to head into the end of this year.  I also knew it would keep me on track with all of the distractions that the kids going back to school and sports would bring.  AND...I made a commitment last month on AHA to blog more and I knew this would help!
2.  What have you learned so far from painting every day?  I usually paint every day anyway but having to produce a new painting to post on my blog everyday is another story indeed!  I have learned that I like starting on a canvas that is already toned to save time.  And I also learned, I don’t like taking pictures of wet paintings....the glare drives me crazy! 
3.  Do you have a theme, what was your plan of attack for painting 30 paintings? I wanted to give myself the option to paint bigger daily paintings, not just small ones, since I don’t enjoy working small.  So far I have done everything from a 24x24 to an 8x8 and all sizes in between.   Also, after painting for shows and working on commissions all spring and summer, I wanted to take a break and refuel my creativity.  I chose to paint from my sketches and pictures from trips I have taken in the past... you know all those things you want to paint but never have the time.  I looked through all my material and decided on some subjects so I would know what I was painting everyday when I got into the studio.  I also have about 3 paintings going at once to take some of the pressure off. 
Thanks Carrie...happy painting!

Here are my paintings for this week so far.  Visit my website for availability

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