Available Works

Monday, June 17, 2013

Belle Fleurs

"Belle Fleurs" watercolor by Carrie Waller

This is a  commissioned piece that I've recently painted.  I have painted this painting before.  I had 2 clients interested in the same painting, so what do you do in that situation.  I have encountered this problem a couple of times.  I decided I would never paint the same painting in the same size.  So this piece is quite a bit larger than the first rendition.  And it's quite a bit different.  When you paint at a larger size you can get more of the little details in.  I also worked out an interesting technique for blending the background.  Once I laid down the pigment I was able to use several dry brushes to softly blend the colors together.  It worked really well and I'm thrilled to have another technique in my repertoire.

Last week I had a guest blogger Kim Minichiello, she did a post on trademarks, you can read that here. It is invaluable information and something every artist should know.  This Wednesday I will have the follow up article about copyrights, so stay tuned and check back on Wednesday.  I'm so glad to have these questions answered.



  1. Beautiful!! Love that you made some changes and kept it fresh and just gorgeous! Love learning from you and always appreciate=great info on trademarks:)

  2. Beautifully painted, Carrie! LOVE the dark background..

  3. They are beautiful! And no painting is ever the same - which is why each is so special.
    Personally I don't like painting the same painting twice, but only because I bore way too easily :0)

  4. Carrie, love how you adapted this composition to a larger format. It is delicate and beautiful.

