Available Works

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Feature: Watercolor Wrap Up

Last weekend I held my 3 day watercolor workshop in Mt. Vernon, Illinois at the Shrode Art Center.  I had a fabulous group of students and just like every workshop and any time you get a group of artists together ideas were flowing.  I always think I learn just as much as my workshop participants.

We started on day 1 painting pears.  First in sepia and then in color.  This exercise gets everyone playing in their paint and working on getting strong values.  I also begin the day with a presentation.
Me demoing the green pears.  I paint from my ipad now.  I think I  have a couple converts in the class now:)

On day 2 we began the day talking about my process and how I set up my till life set ups.  I showed a step by step demo of the painting we were going to be working on.  We painted "Spin the Bottle".  Everyone did a fabulous job painting glass, getting their values established and creating the 3 dimensional bottle.
My demo.  Love painting from my Ipad.
Close up of me painting the bottom of my bottle.  Thank you Tracy for taking pictures:)
Me painting "Spin the Bottle".  

Day 3 I talked about my favorite tools and websites, talked a little marketing and favorite books.  We worked on painting ball jars.

Everyone watching me work on Ball Jars:)  Such a great group of students!!


  1. SO wish I could have been there!!! Looks like everyone had a great time. Good job teacher!!

  2. Wow! What a fun time! I too wish I could have been there. I'm sure I'd learn a ton!

  3. Fabulous Carrie! So glad your workshop went well. By the way I totally agree about the Ipad, it is all I use mine for now! great for zooming in etc

  4. This looks like it was so much fun! I so wish I could have gone. One lady in the back looks much like my Aunt Kathy but I don't think she paints at all. I missed your interview yesterday too! Did get to talk on the phone with Suzy Powell though so that was fun!

  5. Your work is so amazing Carrie... you must be such an inspiration to your students!
