Available Works

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sweet Ella Bella

 Our sweet girl Ella Bella passed away last night, she was 10 years old.  I feel bad because she passed away at the vet's office and not at home.  She was one of my first "kids".  We got her right after we got married while living in Germany.  She was just as sweet as she could be and the only other female in our house.  It is a sad day at our house, I will have a Friday Feature back up next week.

Here she is helping me paint not to long ago!


  1. I am so sorry, Carrie! She was such a beautiful cat.

  2. Sorry you have lost your Ella. I understand the sadness that comes with losing a beloved part of the family. Your fond memories of her will keep her alive in your hearts.

  3. I'm so so sorry Carrie. Thinking of you guys today. What a beautiful, sweet girl. Love and hugs.

  4. Carrie, I'm so sorry for your loss this morning. I hope you can find comfort in your family and your fond memories of this adorable cat, whom I know was much more than simply a cat. She was and still is a part of your family. I know how hard that is...

  5. Thanks for posting these photos of your little studio friend. She was quite a lucky girl indeed to have shared her life with your family.

  6. Dear Carrie, I am so sorry and so saddened by this news. What a beautiful and sweet cat your beloved Ella was. She reminds me, colours-wise, of my sweet Shibbles, who left us in 2007. For those ten years, your Ella Bella knew how much you loved her, and felt your love every day. She will always be with you, as you carry her in your heart, in your memories and your love for her. Death cannot ever take that from us. I will light a candle for your sweet girl tonight, with the wish that love will light her way to the Rainbow Bridge, where she will be running free and happy. Take care of yourself, for this is a difficult time. With love, June

  7. So sorry to hear about Ella! It's always sad to lose a beloved pet! They become part of our family in every way!! She was a beautiful cat!!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss... I have had my baby kitten stolen from me when studying in Indiana, and that really broke my heart -- I just cannot forget how she used to curl under my easel quietly when I paint... Big hugs! I think there is a heaven for cats and she is at a good place now... And she knows that you love her and miss her dearly...

  9. Poor Ella, poor you guys. She had a good-life and that is important to remember. I lost both my dogs in 10 days - after 15 years - it hurts still, but they are never far away.

  10. Oh Carrie, I am sorry for your loss and that of your family.It is so very difficult I know and Arena is right,she is in a good place now. Take Care

  11. Sweet Carrie, my heart goes out to you in the loss of your "kid" and dear art companion. I still miss my Madison who would sit with me while I worked and would follow my husband around the yard. There is nothing like the love of a kitty and I know your heart is breaking. She knew that she was loved.


  12. I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope your good memories will be a comfort to you and your family.

  13. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. We had to say goodbye to our 10 yr old friend a few years ago - and it was so hard. They become very much a part of the family.
    Wishing you well!
