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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School

Hi Everyone,

I've only gotten a tiny bit of painting done since school started this week.  Not really enough to share.  So in lieu of that I'll share pics of Steven and Sam's first day of school.

We've only had one hiccup.  When I dropped Steven off on his second day of school I went through the car line.  I got worried about him as I was dropping him off so I parked the car and went inside to check and make sure he got to his classroom.  He wasn't in the classroom, so I went to the cafeteria where they gather the kids before school.  He wasn't in the cafeteria.  I started to panic.  They lined all the kindergartners up in the cafeteria escorting them to their classrooms and still no Steven.   At this moment I'm experiencing every mother's worst nightmare.  Every missing child case is flashing through my head.  I alerted his teacher that he was missing, she immediately got someone to watch her class and went on the hunt to find him.  15 minutes later she came walking hand in hand with Steven.  He was choked up when he saw me and said "I got confused Mom".   My heart just broke, poor guy:((  I gave him a big hug and told him he would have a great day and then proceeded to bawl my eyes out in the car.  At this point we were on the way to Sam's first day of preschool and a little voice from the back seat says "Mom, you're not going to cry at my schewl (school) are you?"  So needless to say it's been an emotional roller-coaster of a day, but we are all accounted for and ready to try it again tomorrow.  This time I'm walking him in to school:)

See you Friday for a new Friday Feature,



  1. Quite why I am welling up I don't know! but that little face is just so sweet and I was right there as you described the scenario! I am so glad the first day is over with - That's always the worst! Hope it all goes smoothly tomorrow :0)

  2. Ugh!! Great post. I don't have children but I could just feel your anxiety and then your tears of relief and mixed emotions. My mother told me that she too had followed the bus to school on the second day to make sure I made it there. She didn't have the anxiety that you had -- I wasn't missing -- but I was all alone standing on the playground, while the other kids played around me. She went home, called my dad at work and cried and cried because she thought I'd forever be a friendless loser! Ha! :) (Hope that made you smile.)

    You made it through (it must be very emotional) but it will get easier I'm sure. Have a great day today Carrie! :)

  3. So glad everyone was safe and all was well in the end. Hang in there Mom, you've got great little boys and they will be fine.

  4. He'll be an old hand at this very soon. And, so will you, Mom. Big steps are always scary!

  5. So emotional, Carrie!! You almost made me start!!! Those days are so clear in my mind...the first days we worry but he'll be fine...and you as well!! (You're a good Mommy!)

  6. Oh My - what a panic! Happy ending! Yay!
