Available Works

Monday, June 4, 2012

Anticipation 6 x 8 and The Big Move

Hi Everyone,
"Anticipation" 6 x 8 original watercolor on paper by Carrie Waller
I want to start off by thanking each of you for continuing to follow my blog and leave your fabulous comments.  I love, love, love reading them:)  I promise as soon as I'm a little more settled I will be able to correspond with you!  I realize how much time it takes to comment and surf blogs so I greatly appreciate your time, support and friendship:))

I managed to finish up a few commissions during my move.  I have a few to go but they'll have to wait until my studio is unpacked.  I painted another ball jar painting.  It's a 6x8 version of my large painting "Anticipation".  I'm pretty sure I can paint ball jars in my sleep now, which is a good thing because I was up until all hours in the hotel finishing this piece up.  It was interesting:)  But this painting went to a very special lady so I'm thrilled to have her add it to her collection.
Our Move
 I am now officially living in Arkansas!!  So far it is a beautiful place to live.  I will admit I wasn't too thrilled when I heard that was where the Air Force was sending us, but so far I'm really enjoying AR.  I love our house, I'll share pics soon, and I have a designated studio space.
Some of my broken china--first time we've had china broken since we've been moving
And a majority of my picture frames were damaged.  Either tape on the frame pulling the finish off, or stacking multiple pictures together without paper in between them. 
 Our move has been not so thrilling.  This has been the worst move in the 11 years that Brian and I have been doing the Air Force thing (Brian's been AF his whole life-the son of a retired AF Lt Col.).  I am currently on page 3 of our claims form which is not a good scenario.  Usually you have a handful of items that you have to claim but this has been ridiculous.  It was the most incompetent packing crew I have ever had.  So if you are thinking of moving with Swanee/Benkins think it through especially coming out of the Montgomery, AL area.
This is my new studio space--As you can see it needs a bit of work:))
 Thanks again for continuing to read and comment.  Miss you guys and I'll be over to your blogs soon!



  1. WOW. I would be majorly ticked!! About the broken and ruined stuff I mean. Your new painting is gorgeous as usual and I agree I think you could paint ball jars in your sleep! Take it easy and get back in the swing of things, no rush to comment we'll still be here. :)

  2. Blessings in your new home, Carrie.....:)
    I agree with Crystal, no rush to blog just know we are all sending you good vibes and peaceful thoughts.
    Hugs to all,

  3. Moving can be so stressful. Hope you are settled in soon and enjoying your studio space! The painting is beautiful as always.

  4. Ugh -- I was so sad to see your broken china. Not to mention, all the picture frames. What a disaster. While they're just "things" it still rots because you work hard to acquire those "things" and when your stuff gets ruined especially at someone else's hand, it's more than frustrating. I'm sorry for your trouble.

    Like Crystal said, your painting is gorgeous -- I have no idea how the heck you had time to paint in a hotel! And I'm excited for you to have a studio! It's so awesome having your own space. So yippee for you!

    Good luck with the rest of your unpacking.

  5. That's such a shame! Maybe you could make an arty mosaic out of your china ;0)
    At least you have Brian back and a studio space, yay! It can only get better now, right?
    And I want a Ball Jar!!! I feel like I'm missing something, lol! :0))

  6. Best of luck with your "moving", Carrie...its never easy but we'll be here when you've settled in!!!

  7. So sorry about the moving problems; hope the insurance compensates you for all without any hassle. But on the bright side - it can only get better from here! And things can always be replaced - as long as the people you love are OK you will make it. Plus, it looks like you will have a nice large space for your studio and that's a good thing! Best of luck in your new home!

  8. I was just remembering some of our moves today. Something always got broken, ruined, or stolen. We used to say, "three moves is like a fire."

  9. Je peux imaginer votre colère en découvrant votre art en mauvais état et beaucoup de vos choses personnelle endommagées...
    Déjà il faut admettre un déménagement et ensuite faire de mauvaises découvertes...
    Je me réjouis de savoir que votre belle peinture que vous nous montrez soit entre de bonnes mains.
    Allez courage ma chère, gros bisous.

  10. We miss you, too, Carrie! I am sorry to see the damage from your move. I hope the company reimburses you! And I wish you and your family ALL the BEST in Arkansas.

  11. Moving is never fun, but I am glad you are liking AR so far and wish you all the best in settling and getting unpacked. xo

  12. Hi Carrie: I know it stinks, I have moved several times and had broken glass, ripped sofas, damaged stuff...it is really annoying, but, in the end its only stuff...enjoy the new space!! ;-))

  13. Hoping that you will be happy in your new surroundings and that your new house will feel like a home soon. Thanks again Carrie for shinning some light on my art!

  14. I am sorry about your china and frames, however, the moldings in your studio look wonderfully rich and old. I don't know how you do it, staying up late painting this gorgeous painting, raising your two boys AND moving!
