Available Works

Monday, April 9, 2012

Crawfish WIP

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a nice weekend.  At our house the Easter bunny underestimated Steven and Sam's excitement and had not visited our house yet when they awoke.  So with some covert ninja like skills the Easter bunny was able to make things magically appear and all was well at the Waller house.

I'm working on a commission piece this week so I'm posting my work in progress pics.  It's a larger version of a painting I sold last year.

wip original watercolor 10" x 10"
See you on Wednesday,



  1. It is beautiful, Carrie. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  2. OK, I'm beginning to understand the clever processes behind watercolours, Carrie, it looks fantastic.

    I looked on Wikki to find if crawfish was the same as crayfish - it is! Didn't realise how many different names it has around USA , let alone around the world!

    I'm on a high as I finally finished my Moorish Archway!

  3. It's looking awesome Carrie. :)) And I am always scared that's going to happen on Easter or Christmas! Glad he made an emergency delivery. :))

  4. Love the crawfish. It's so striking - the red against the newspaper.

  5. Glad the Easter bunny got his work done even if it was covert! Your crawfish is AMAZING. It is going to be just awesome when it is finished. :-)

  6. Ha! Glad the Easter Bunny is so quick and clever. He was busy, after all, he had to pose last week for a couple of paintings. :) Your WIP looks great. So fun to see how it all unfolds. Thank you for sharing.

  7. The Easter bunny was always worried about that same thing happening at our house. Now that the kids are grown the Easter bunny usually has to re-schedule Easter because the kids are rarely home at the same time (one lives a couple of hours away and usually doesn't get home til right before the dinner and the bunny is too frazzled to do it then). One year the "egg hunt" didn't happen til June! The kids don't seem to mind though. We are always re-scheduling holidays to fit our lives better. I'm wondering why the bunny still does the hunts. I think she's crazy!

    Also crazy is an artist that paints so much printing! I don't know how you do it but it certainly is incredible. I can see why you were commissioned to paint this. Thanks for posting the WIP photos.

  8. The original is my absolute favorite Carrie Waller painting, so I love seeing your WIP! Tell me, how on earth do you go about painting all of those words? Do you use a brush? :0)

  9. The painting is coming along very well. Hope to see the finished work soon. Best wishes,
