Available Works

Monday, April 23, 2012

Aghhhhh I'm a bundle of nerves

Hi Everyone,

I know, I know, my painting isn't finished!  Shall I start my laundry list of reasons why.

*Steven Waller age 5, occupation super crazy busy little boy,
*Sam Waller age 3, occupation, super crazy busy little boy that loves to aggravate his brother
*A zoo field trip--love these end of the year trips that are popping up like crazy
*Brian Waller--military hubby deployed to Afghanistan--currently recovering from kidney stone surgery in Bagram
*Moose, Bear and Ella--Dog, Cat, Cat--oh the life of a pet, they have their own human servant that feeds them, scoops poop and walks them
*A 3 day workshop that I'm teaching starting tomorrow--agghhhhhhhhh!  My first 3 day workshop, I'm a bundle of nerves!  I haven't taught in years--I'm still in denial that I have to fill 3, 8 hour days and be entertaining and informative.
*And  I'm going to be interviewed on Artists Helping Artists blog radio show-this Thursday!!!  Fortunately I roped my friend Crystal Cook into doing this with me.  My stomach does flips just typing this!!!  Please don't let me make a fool of myself.

So bear with me (I first typed bare with me and then looked it up--glad I did bear with me means have patience, bare with me, means I'll be getting naked, I'll stick with the first spelling:)) folks.  I'll have it done soon.  In the mean time say a little prayer that I don't have an entire workshop walk out on me tomorrow:))


PS and seriously did they have to change bloggers format tonight!!


  1. Sounds like you are in a busy time. I'm sure everything will go well. Hang in there. And thanks for the laugh!

  2. Hi Carrie ! Well I wish you the best for all... My grandmother "chérie" always told me " one thing after on thing and everything will be OK ". She was a kind of philosopher... ;) Bises.

  3. Now with all these things in the air, Carrie, don't drop the glass jars before you finish them. Hope the kidney stone gets fixed soon (painful) My old Squadron seems to spend half it's life either flying troops Kandahar or bringing them back to the UK.
    The workshop will be fine!

  4. Wow, Carrie! You know exactly how to start my day!! You made me laugh so much!! I can see you as very professional..when you get up there you will be wonderful and no one will get up and leave!! As far as your hubby..ouch!!! Hope he's doing better!!

  5. Just came to your blog - I am a new follower - will be praying for you - You will do fine I am sure. Love your art work.

  6. OMG, hang in there Carrie! deep breath, you will be fine...what's the worst that could happen is what I always ask myself? I didn't notice blogger changed, did it?? ;-)) YOU CAN DO IT!!

  7. If I had your schedule and distractions I'd never be able to keep up but I have faith in you. You'll do just fine.

  8. You are a BUSY woman, Carrie. I am SO glad to hear your husband had the surgery! Good luck this week!!!

  9. Remember to breathe! You are doing GREAT! Your workshop will be AMAZING and NO ONE will walk out...they are probably scared of not doing a good job under your tutelage and will be looking up to you. I am always scared when I teach and then am amazed when I find out that people think I seem to know what I'm doing:-) You really do have a plateful right now, though, and I hope there are some plans out there soon for you to get a bit of R n R - don't military wives qualify for that too?
    Oh yeah, your paintings are GORGEOUS!

  10. Ma chère Carrie, Souffle un peu ! Ne t'inquiète pas chaque pièce de puzzle trouve sa place, tu vas y arriver. la vie de famille parfois, ce n'est pas simple, j'ai connu ça avec mes quatre enfants!...
    Je suis très heureuse que tu nous montres la progression vertigineuse de ta dernière peinture. S U B L I M E...
    Gros bisous

  11. Wow! Good luck to you. You will excel in all tasks I am sure. You are the amazing super mom, wife, artist.

  12. I know that feeling so well! But you have so much to be excited about and to be proud of! There wont be a single person at your work shop who wont be clinging on to your every word. And as for the radio interview - that's so exciting for both you and Crystal! We haven't got that radio channel over here (I've never heard of it, which is such a shame because I would have LOVED to have listened to that. Is there a way you could get a recording of it? Or blog it somehow? Anyway, although you don't need it I am wishing you lots of luck and as for the painting it is clearly one that'll be well worth waiting for :0)

  13. Oh Carrie, I hope all went well for you today. My grandmother had a saying "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get." I think that is what happens to us all. Nurse Carol says take three deep breaths and smile. There all better, now "go get em'."

  14. Carrie, your work is beautiful and you are a talent to be reckoned with! Remember that and you'll do just fine!

  15. Carrie, you are so awesome and I know your workshop is going well and it will continue to! Because of your awesomeness. :)) And the radio show will go fabulously, just you wait and see. And can I tell you again how much I LOVE this painting!!!!! It is amazing, so super gorgeous. :)))

    Wish I could drop by and bring you a cupcake. :)

  16. Hey, congratulation on your interview! You can count on me to tune in and listen to it! I will be in school during the time of the show (I started attend a classical painting atelier four days a week this month), but I will try to call in and ask questions! ;-) (When the teachers' not looking...)

    I love how this painting is developing -- for complicated pattern like this you are not progressing slow at all! I can't imagine myself doing this without a ton of time...

  17. no worries. we are so happy to have you share thoughts with us by blog or radio. love your stories of your busy life-and IT IS CRAZY BUSY. Kudos to you for keeping it all together.

  18. Holy Cow! Amazing progress . . . and you will do great I'm sure, with your workshop (by now it's almost over . . . I'm sure it's been tiring, but rewarding and fun). I wish I could have attended! How cool would that be? And that's very exciting about the interview.

    Good luck to your hubby -- poor thing. I was in the ER last month with my husband and his kidney stones . . . I know how painful it can be. And to be sick away from home -- that really sucks.

    Keep up the good work!

  19. P.S. . . . I was just over at Crystal's blog and saw Moose! I had viewed her painting before, but hadn't actually read her post until now. This time, even when I read the subject I thought -- "`Moose' I know that name." Love it! Big dogs rule! (of course I like little dogs too, but there's something about a big dog that just GETS me!) :)
