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Friday, February 24, 2012

Exhausted in Alabama

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to touch base and let you know why I've been MIA:))  I've been on a whirlwind trip with my 2 little boys.  We traveled to Illinois so that I could attend a Carol Carter workshop--I will be blogging about this on Monday--it was beyond fabulous!!  I'm inspired, invigorated and can't wait to get back to painting.  We then made an unexpected detour to Little Rock, Arkansas to check out a fabulous house!  We are in the process of renting the home--the Air Force is sending us there this Summer.  I am really excited about this house because it has more than enough room for a studio.  I can hardly wait!!!!!  We then made our way back to Alabama.  My car had a few problems so I spent the majority of the day at the mechanics on our way home, but we made it!

I'm counting down the days until my hubby gets back from Afghanistan, we're down in the double digits, whooo hoooo!!!!!  I'm trying to get the house we're living in ready for viewing for new renters, trying to get ready to move, oh yeah I guess I should unpack, get the swimming pool to not look sooooo green, weed the gardens, clean up the winter cob webs on the back porch and get ready for a small art show in March----NO BIGGIE:)))

I'll be back Monday with a regularly scheduled post.  I am sooooooo far behind in visiting your blogs, please forgive me--this single parent thing is no joke!  Did I mention the 60 cupcakes I made before we left for our trip for the kids school Valentine party (which one Mom had the nerve to ask me if I bought at Wal-Mart because she couldn't figure out how I got the icing to look so perfect)--Seriously!!!!! and the heart shaped crayons we made for everyone's Valentine.  I'm trying hard to be the best Mom/Wife/Artist I can be.  So bare with me folks, I'll be back to your blogs, I have been reading them just haven't had time to comment!!  I miss you guys:(  And I thank you for all of your comments!  You guys rock!!!



  1. Welcome home, Carrie! I don't know how you do it all -- being the only parent at home, taking care of two young children and still finding time for your art! You make me feel ashamed every time, since I have no excuses...

  2. Remember to stop and breathe............you mean so much to so many people. :)

  3. Having read this, reminds me how much I miss the (Royal) Air Force. We made 24 moves in 25 years. When we weren't moving I seemed to spend most of the time on the opposite side of the world to my wife & kids (long range aircrew).
    ... only left it to become a full time artist

  4. YOU rock!! Holy smokes, Carrie! When you hadn't posted, I figured you must be crazy busy, especially if it's school vacation week there (it is here.) I think it's awesome how you pack up the kiddos and just go for it! That's awesome. I'm happy for you that your hubby will be home soon. I can't imagine how tough it must be. From what I "see" though, you handle yourself with such grace and abundant verve. You go girl! :) Also, I'm excited for you to have a studio! It's so wonderful to have a space like that. I spend most of my days in here and love it. I'm looking forward to seeing/reading what you learned at your workshop. Take care . . . Kara

  5. Don't know how you do it all! Hang in there and just take one thing at a time. Easy to get overwhelmed and you handle it all so well. Excited for you to have a studio room and a new move but mostly for you and the boys to have Brian home:) Glad you got to do a workshop! All is good:):) Take care.

  6. Wow, you are busy! You are doing a GREAT job, don't worry about a thing!! Keep up the great work! enjoy the weekend...;-))

  7. I'm exhausted from reading what you've done! Wow, you go girl! Looking forward to seeing/hearing more, and especially the workshop info. Sounds like it was an excellent spark for the muse!

  8. Carrie, you need to rest, girl! I got tired just reading about all your activities. Just kiss those babies and stay in bed with them for the weekend!

  9. Egads woman. I am tired just reading that!! SO glad you had a good time, though exhausting. ;) I can't wait to see what you're up to painting wise!

  10. I get exhausted reading your blog, Carrie!!! LOL. Good luck with your new home...play with the kids.(you're an amazing Mommy) and as always I look forward to seeing your next post!!

  11. well, I don't think you have enough to do...haha. Looking forward to your next postings-workshops can be so energizing and your latest one clearly was. Congrats on your husband coming home and thanks to you both for your service. Military wives never get enough credit.

  12. OMG, Carrie, I am exhausted from reading about everything you have been doing!!! But you sound so happy, and that's the most important thing. :)

  13. Carrie, Ditto all of the above comments! Glad you were able to carve a small slice of time for yourself at the Carol Carter w/s. My friend, Rhonda, was there and got to meet you in person. Sorry I didn't! Suggestion - Every now and then send the kids to a sitter and take a little time for YOU. And don't be afraid to ask for help, either. (Maybe you can enlist "Wal-Mart Mom" for help in de-greening the pool. What a shame if she accidentally fell in!)

  14. I don't know how you manage to fit it all in! And to be able to produce your amazing artwork so quickly is a mystery to me regardless of everything else you do! What an exciting time it is for you right now... and to top it all, along with hubby, summer is on the way! Yay! :0)

  15. Great painting. Great workshop. And, honestly, you do have a great life...despite the hectic pace!! I miss my kids now that they're grown.

  16. Carrie, A couple of my cousins live there - Dr. Steve Hutchins and Dr. Laura Hutchins -great art collectors - a move to a new area is a boon for an artist. Best wishes.
