Available Works

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Holiday Sale and Sold It!!!

Hi Everyone,

Can NOT believe we are so close to Christmas!  Almost time to get used to writing 2012!  I still have more cookies to bake, presents to wrap, packages to mail and painting to be done, but it will be done some way or another.  I am thrilled that school is out after Thursday, we can all sleep in, wooooo hooooo!

I still have my Holiday Sale running through this weekend.  The USPS assures me there is still time to get things out for the Holidays.  So check out my sale!  Great gifts starting at $15, Framed, signed prints for $45 and ORIGINALS framed and signed starting at $100.

I also have prints available at 30% off right now through Imagekind.  I had a happy client send me a picture of her print, she had it framed and loves it:)
A print of "Anticipation" in a new client's home:))  Love to see where my art ends up!
I did want to share that I had a painting win a Gallery Award at Randy Higbee's 6" Squared Exhibition in Costa Mesa, CA.  I am beyond thrilled, it is such a great show:))
Gallery Award from the 6"Squared Show
I also want to Thank everyone that has purchased from my Sale.  And everything does come to you wrapped and ready to go, I even send along a package of free goodies:)

Carrie Waller Fine Art SOLD gifts:))  Already to their new homes.

 Here are some items that have SOLD:
SOLD at Montgomery Museum of Fine Art, Montgomery, Alabama
SOLD at Randy Higbee Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA

SOLD Framed, signed print from my Holiday Sale
SOLD Framed, signed print from my Holiday Sale
SOLD Framed, signed print from my Holiday Sale

SOLD Framed, signed print from my Holiday Sale
 Good luck to all of you with your Holiday prep:)))  Wish I could send everyone some elves:))



  1. Congratulations on all the "Solds"! And a Merry Christmas.

  2. HUZZAH for all your fabulous success!!!! You truly deserve it so much, you are awesomely talented and such a hard worker, and wonderfully kind. I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about you. :) Merry Christmas my friend. :D

  3. Congratulations on your award winner, the glass work is sublime...... and all this success, so richly deserved! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
