Available Works

Monday, September 12, 2011

Can It Too

"Can It Too" original watercolor on paper 6x6 Buy Now
Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a relaxing weekend.  Our weekend was pretty busy. I really didn't think I would have a completed painting to post today, because of the craziness I've been experiencing for the last few weeks.  My hubby has been out of town and everything got chaotic the day he left.  I don't even think his plane was off the ground yet when our washing machine broke.  And it all went downhill after that.  Sam busted his chin and had to be glued back together.  Steven got sick and was out of school for a few days.  Then Sam got sick and he was up for 48 straight hours.  We went to the Dr and he got antibiotic for an ear infection and bacterial infection.  He still has a bad cough and in conjunction with his very sensitive gag reflex I have been thrown up on more times than I would like to discuss.  All of this has been going on while we've been getting used to Steven's school schedule.  I'm so glad that I don't work outside of the house because boy would it have been an even greater challenge.  Also Steven has been in school for 2 weeks and already been invited to 3 birthday parties, I'm going to go broke at this rate.  So this weekend we had to squeeze in birthday parties, a friends bbq, and my art reception.

Even with everything going on I forced myself to sit down and finish this painting.  So what it's 2:37 a.m., as I'm writing this, sleep is overrated:) 

"Can It" watercolor on paper 6x6 Buy Now
This weeks painting is an accompanying piece to Can It.  I thought it would be great to have a pair of these guys.

"Anticipation" 23.5 x 32 watercolor on paper
My painting "Anticipation" that has inspired my whole series received a ribbon at the 45th Annual Montgomery Art Guild's Regions Bank Exhibit.  The way their awards work is they have a Best of Show and then a Best of for 5 categories and 5 honorable mentions in those categories.  I received honorable mention for the Transparency category--which also included gouache and acrylic (thought that was interesting).  Anyway I was thrilled!!

Have a great Monday, I'll see you Wednesday--I'll post some of Steven's creations on Wednesday:)



  1. It sounds like you've had your hands full. I hope Sam is feeling better. Congrats on the award, you deserve it. When I read your post my thoughts were, "When it rains it pours" and was reminded of times in my life when I had weeks like you've just had. Don't let yourself get too worn out because that's about the time you'll end up getting sick. Hope this week runs a bit more smoothly. Hugs

  2. Congratulations on your ribbon, Carrie. That's wonderful. Sorry to hear the boys have not been well. Will keep good thoughts and prayers for them both and for strength for you...:)

  3. This is a truly exquisite painting Carrie. I think I like this better than Can It and Anticipation - the feeling of glass seems to be higher. Honking youngsters and broken washing machines sounds like a bad combination of problems to me! Hope your week starts to improve and your youngsters get better soon :)

  4. Wonderful transparency and I always marvel at your ability to do that with watercolors. Your brain and your hands work so nicely together (sourire)

    Your week is bound to be better than what you have been dealing with. How I remember those days and the "sleep is highly overrated" business. Take care, sweet girl.


  5. Your "Can It Too" is wonderful, Carrie. Congradulations on your ribbon. And I do so hope the boys are better soon, and you could get a bit of rest!

  6. Super mom! wow, what an eventful week! gak!!! i hope things calm down and everyone gets well real soon. congratulations on the ribbon, i think first place wherever "anticipation" is entered is a forgone conclusion. outstanding work as always. good luck!

  7. they are both super paintings... congratulation carrie ... hope you and your family are on the mend .

  8. Gosh - Where do I start? Firstly, I really hope that Steven and Sam are on the mend very soon. It's hard when they first go to school. There is a whole new routine to get used to and as you say, an abundance of other activities that come with it!
    This series of paintings is absolutley beyond words. They completely blow me away. Stunning!!!!! :0)

  9. I think this year's "Art Mother of the Year" award will be a tie between you and Leslie Saeta! ; ) Congrats on your award, Carrie, and bigger congrats on juggling art and motherhood and coming out on top with both! YOU ROCK, girl!

  10. Carrie I'm so impressed that you were able to turn out this detailed painting with all the chaos around you! Congrats on the ribbon and I do hope that things calm down for you soon (probably will just before hubby returns)!

  11. Congratulations on your ribbon, Carrie. So...So well deserved! Now its time to take care of yourself..try and rest! Hopefully the children will be feeling better soon.! I remember those days...

  12. Je vous félicite ma chère pour ce prodigieux travail... Vos verres sont sublimes.
    Je vous félicite aussi pour votre travail de maman...
    J'espère que vos "minous" vont mieux...
    je rentre, il y a tant de chose à faire pour redémarrer! et cependant je n'ai qu'une hâte, celle de me retrouver devant mon chevalet!
    gros bisous.

  13. Congratulations on a well earned ribbon, your work is inspiring!

  14. Congratulations for this really great work. I love it !!

  15. Congrats on the ribbon:) Love Can it too... too! I think we can all relate to when it rains it pours. Hang in there! Keep painting and posting when you can.

  16. It's so beautiful Carrie! Your glass paintings just blow me away. :) And I sure hope your boys get feeling better soon. And ain't it the truth about birthdays! Sheesh wait till they both get in school.

  17. I am so sorry about all that you've been juggling, Carrie! You're not only an amazing artist, but it takes true talent to lovingly care for a family single-handedly as well. Hope everyone is feeling better soon and you're back to a puke-free existence. xo

  18. Congratulations on your award Carrie, I'm so glad for you!
