Available Works

Monday, August 29, 2011

Work In Progress, Anticipation and what a weekend

Work In Progress 6x6 watercolor on paper
Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend.  I posted my completed painting last Friday but I'm putting it on here today just in case you missed it.
"Anticipation" watercolor on paper 23.5 x 32  Accepted into the 45th Annual Montgomery Art Guild Regions Bank Exhibit

We had a very eventful weekend at our house.  We started off with a bang, Sam, my 2 yr old, and the dare devil in our crew busted his chin open climbing on the bar stools.  So we spent a majority of Saturday at urgent care getting Sam glued back together.  He was such a trooper, he didn't cry or flinch when they were putting medicine on his chin or using Dermabond!  Amazing kid!

I also spent quite a bit of time last getting my painting "Anticipation" framed and running it to the 45th Annual Montgomery Art Guild Regions Bank Exhibition.  It's an interesting process, I had to deliver my painting Friday between 10 and 2 and then you had to come back in person Sat between 4:30-5:00 to see if it was accepted.  Talk about nerve wracking, nobody wants to do the walk of shame out of the bank with their rejected work.  There were lots of us standing around waiting to find out our fate.  There was a very intimidating hall with lots of stacked up rejected art.  Fortunately I was greeted by a fellow artist and she informed me right away that my painting made it into the show, phew!!!  I feel for anyone that had to take home their works, one artist said if she walked out of their with her works she was going home and having a stiff drink.  Fortunately I made the cut and didn't have to paint with my tears:)

Before I headed to the exhibit in Montgomery, I stopped to get gas.  I decided to multi-task and clean out my car at the same time.  I discarded a couple of bags with trash and left.  It wasn't until we were at home about an hour later that I realized I also threw away a bag from Target that I had just purchased.  So off we went to the gas station to dumpster dive.  Fortunately my bag was near the top, so we retrieved our bag and headed home.  Steven, my 5 yr old, was pretty upset because the bag contained a new DVD for him and Sam.  So crisis averted and I wasn't out $30.
Watercolor on paper 8 1/2 x 11
Steven painted a nice little piece for you this week.  He had a pretty good first week of school.  I think it's going to take a little adjusting to the daily grind, but I'm hopeful we will get into a routine.
"Buona Sera" SOLD
And my painting "Buona Sera" sold in a Daily Paintworks Auction.

See you Wednesday,



  1. Congrats on having your painting accepted. It's such a wonderful piece of work and now it will be seen and appreciated. Your weekend did indeed sound eventfull. Happy to hear all turned out fine. Hope you setttle into your new routine and find plenty of time to paint. Be well.

  2. How wonderful that your painting was accepted. I would have been totally surprised if it hadn't. Sounds like you had a busy, busy day and your dignity was spared all around....:)
    Carol B.

  3. Mommy, artist, dumpster-diver... You are an amazing woman! Of course they would accept your art and I cannot wait to hear how it is received. The realism in your watercolors is simply perfect.


  4. Well, yes! What a week! Thank goodness all worked out well in the end and I am so happy that your work was accepted! Congratulations! :0)

  5. Carrie you have had a wonderful and positive [and busy] week. A most hearty congradulations on your acceptance to the show and the sale!

  6. Carrie you are a trooper! Sucha weekend and I'm so glad that all ended well. Even if you did have to dumpster dive, only a mother would do that right? ;) And congrats on both the acceptance (of course!! It's gorgeous!) and the sale! Happy days!

    Oh and your new WIP looks great too. :)

  7. I am not sure which order to start my comments in! Family first- so glad little Sam is fine. You next- hope you have a calm week:) Art- So proud and happy for you- your work is amazing and so are you! Lastly- You keep us smiling- multi tasking and dumpster diving...Be careful out there!!

  8. Your artwork is so beautiful and inspiring!

  9. That really was quite a weekend Carrie! Glad it all turned out OK. Congrats on your acceptance! I must say I don't like their method of notifying artists at all. That's a great title for your painting - good luck with it!

  10. Glad to hear that Sam is okay. Your jars are amazing! Congrats on getting into the show and on the sale.

  11. I was waiting to see it finished... marvellous, Carrie!
