Available Works

Monday, August 8, 2011

Friends (original watercolor on paper)

Hi Everyone,
"Friends" original watercolor on paper 10 x 5.5 Buy Now

A few weeks ago I celebrated my 29th birthday, again:)  Between my Mom's birthday, my son's birthday and mine we pretty much have a month long celebration since they are all pretty close together.  We were fortunate this year to have my Mom visit for her birthday so our house ended up being a cakeapalooza, we had 3 cakes in the span of 3 weeks.  So on my actual birthday we went out for a quiet dinner with friends.  We had a lovely time and our friends brought me a pretty little bouquet with flowers from their garden.  Truly the perfect gift for a still life painter.  I warned them that it would show up as a painting.

Jeff got his painting framed and shared a photo with me so I'm sharing it with you:)
Sam's artwork
Steven and Sam's collaboration
Steven and Sam have both been dabbling in the arts this week.  I love to watch Sam my youngest guy (2yrs) he switches from drawing with his left hand to his right hand.  They even collaborated on a piece this week.  They are really great brothers and love each other.

Last week I said I would post about our trip to Atlanta.  I will do so this week.  It seems like every time we go out of town it takes me a week to re-cooperate, get the house back in shape and get us all back in a routine.

Have a great week and I'll see you Wednesday:)



  1. Lovely work. It appears Steven and Sam have your talent.

  2. Happy Birthday! We have a similar birthday crush between the end of June and early August! Enjoyed seeing the collaboration of the boys! Sending Steven a special hug! Lovely painting, you really put your 'mark' on your watercolors, dear. They stand out so well!

  3. What a great birthday gift! It's gorgeous Carrie, I agree with Kelley, you do put your mark on your paintings! And Sam and Steven's work looks great!! :)

  4. This is a stunning piece.. And as I have always maintained I love Steven's work a little more than your work. And now you can add Sam to that list. :)

  5. Well, happy belated Birthday dear one!..And what a lovely piece you have here today...a superb birthday gift for someone out there!.
    P.S. tell the boys they do some awesome work...learning from the best they are.

  6. Wow, I love that piece, Carrie. Happy belated Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful week. xo

  7. Carrie, your painting is beautiful, as ever! And a belated Happy Birthday to you!! :) It's good to see that the boys painting up a storm; I love that you post them.

  8. Happy belated birthday, Carrie.....sounds like it was wonderful. Love the bottle of flowers. It has one of those stoppers like my Ice Water bottle. I find those very interesting. Sam and Steven's paintings are great. Your influence is making it's mark.

  9. Congratulations,Carrie.You are lucky...it´s a beautiful gift.I´m charmed with the "vintage" air of the bottle.
    I love the paintings of your young artists.

  10. Fantastico carrie, me dejas sin palabras, maravilloso trabajo.
    un saludo.

  11. Une très jolie publication...
    Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire... Je m'autorise un "tu"...
    Une belle manière d'immortaliser un joli bouquet... et j'aime particulièrement la bouteille de limonade pour pot... Très jolie et délicate aquarelle.
    Il était certain que Jeff aurait été ravi de recevoir un tel présent.
    Et toutes mes félicitations aux jeunes artistes. bravo!
    Gros bisous à tous.

  12. I love your post, Carrie! So many happy things. I love your painting...I'm just blown away by the whites! It's amazing how you show the light on the stems and the leaves. The lettering on the bottle is awesome, too. Cool bottle. I like that Martine recognized it as a bottle of lemonade. The touches of red in the stems and ribbon are beautiful. Love it.

    Your month of birthdays sounds like fun family times. And love the boys' paintings. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Very nice composition, I like your idea with this simple bottle... beautiful, Carrie :)

  14. I am so glad that you are taking time to "smell the daisies" this summer and to paint them also! Summers always seem like a time of renewal to me, a time when one reconnects with family and friends too busy during the school year. Love your painting.


  15. This is a fine exemple of what you mentionned about mason jars. I've been saving a very similar bottle (French lemonade) for a couple of year for consideration for a future painting......and here it is in one of your beautiful panting.....all the red little elements just makes this painting sing!
