Available Works

Monday, April 4, 2011

Parisian Produce

watercolor on paper 6x6 BUY NOW $195
Hi everyone,
Hope you had a fabulous weekend!  We had beautiful weather, aside from everyone having a cold at our house it was a lovely weekend.  Sam, my youngest son turned 2 on Thursday, so we had  celebratory time.  As if on cue Sam decided he was now old enough to not have to sleep in his crib.  We spent the weekend trying to corral him.  It was a struggle, he has tasted freedom and there is no turning back.  I guess the writing is on the wall and a big boy bed is in our future!

For this weeks painting I completed a 6x6 of a gorgeous still life that I stumbled upon on one of our trips to Paris.  I do love how the produce was arranged as if it was just waiting to be painted.  This one took me longer than I thought because of all of the texture.  Texture on a small scale can prove to be challenging.  I do love the variety of greens in this painting and the basket just makes it feel so homey.

Steven got back in the game this week.  He did a drawing.  he told me he doesn't want to paint right now, so I guess he'll be working on some drawings.  I am trying to talk him into painting some large canvases.  He was pretty excited about the prospect of that.

I also am about to embark on my first full sheet painting.  I got a half sheet of plywood and polyeurathaned it this weekend.  I've stretched my paper, now I just have to get my nerve up to start.  I would love to hear any advice on working in large scale.

Happy Creating!



  1. The cabbages are marvellous...these leaves are painted with so much detail!!!...The life continues and the childrem grow so rapidly.They make us happy.

  2. What a pretty composition! It's very appealing the way you cropped around the veggies and the wicker basket. I love the freshness of the whole piece. And Steven's little drawing is precious!

  3. This painting in absolutely amazing! I thought it was a photo at first glance! Did you paint it from a photo?
    The texture on those cabbages is so perfectly captured, as is the waxy red cabbage. I could go on and on - It is fabulous!!

    Steven - Well I think that your drawing is really colourful and fun. Sometimes it's nice to put down the brushes and pick up the pencils isn't it? That's what Ive been doing over the last few days :0)
    I like the red, because that's my favourite colour :0)

  4. Wow Carrie! What a beautiful painting! I really LOVE this one. :):) That texture looks perfect and that spot of red surrounded by the green is awesome! I think this is one of my favorite of your smaller pieces.

    Great new drawing Steven! I love it!

    Good luck with your new humungous painting. YOu are a brave woman, I can not wait to see what you come up with. :)

  5. Beautiful painting Carrie! have a great day!

  6. Beautiful. You have the ability to make simple little veggies in a basket a wonderful work of art! :-)

  7. Absolutely beautiful, Carrie....and Steven, too. I bet if you tackle the full sheet painting like 4 smaller ones that connect it'll be awesome. Sort of like using a grid only a very large one. I wonder what the composition will be?

  8. Beautiful painting, Carrie!!! And a Happy Birthday to Sam!

  9. Absolutely beautiful, Carrie! I love the composition--as you said, it was waiting to be painted. You did such a great job of the whites..beautiful offset to the deep colors. Well done!

  10. breathtaking, absolutely stunning. you take my breath!

  11. Carrie..what a wonderful painting...just beautifully rendered...so much going on for a 6x6. Well done. Very excited that you are going up to full sheets...they are a blast and I know that your paintings will do magnificently in large format...call or email...I can tell you what I do.

  12. Wow - look at all that texture! Nice piece by Steven, too! You are going to LOVE working big!

  13. Bravo Carrie pour cette très belle peinture... Et ces choux qui vous tendaient les bras ou les pinceaux, sont originaires de ma région, l'Auvergne... alors bien sûr encore plus beaux!!!
    Mes félicitations à votre enfant et de gros bisous pour son anniversaire.
    Grosses bises à vous.

  14. the painting is beautiful. very intricate and well done.
    Little Steven's drawing is so good. They grow out of that baby stage too fast for me. I love that you include his art in your blog.

  15. Beautifully detailed painting! Love it.

  16. Gorgeous composition! I am always so intrigued by your detail. Then I remember you paint in Watercolor and am really blown away. Your clean, crisp detail is such a joy to behold!

  17. OM Goodness! Your work in amazing! I love the subjects you have chosen and the detail in a 6" by 6" is unbelievable! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  18. Thank you so much, Carrie, for the compliment about "Carmella".

  19. Hi Carrie,
    Love this painting! You asked about working on a full sheet. I work on full or half sheets most of the time. Because I paint very detailed images, full sheets are wonderful, it makes all the little pieces easier to see and work on. When you are working on a full sheet, though, you may find it easier to pre-wet large sections to give yourself more painting time. Make sure you mix enough paint for the larger areas. Also, don't forget to take breaks and look at the painting from a distance so that you get a better view of it.

  20. These cabbages would be ideal for the French traditional recipe of cabbage soup. I like going to the market and the displays of vegetables presented as attractive objects. It is completely your watercolor Carrie!!!Great work !Bises.

  21. Great texture on the veggies as well as the basket!! Well done!

  22. Beautiful painting- love the feel of the entire piece. Watch out world with you going big! Will be fabulous!! Look forward to seeing:)

  23. I really like this one, Carrie! Happy Birthday to your son. Have a great weekend. xx
