Available Works

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wisteria, Elephants, and Outer Space

        oil on canvas 16 x 20    copyrighted Carrie Waller 2010                                                          
Yay!  It's completed.  This painting took a while.  It was challenging, part of the photograph was focused parts weren't, so I was trying to achieve this affect.  This wisteria vine is in Brian's, Grandma's garden.  It doesn't look like wisteria I've seen so I had to double check that it was actually wisteria.  I was told it is about 35 years old and some years it blooms better than other years.  My mother-in-law told me that  Brian's grandparents had horse that loved to eat this vine, so it has only bloomed since the horse has been gone.

I did second painting for Hayley's birthday this week.  Ian and Hayley turned 15 on the 24th.  I can't believe it!  She jokingly told me that she wanted the elephant painting I did for the Patrick Project, so I painted a hip version.  I"m calling it "The Phunky Phant", Be careful what you ask for:)  I enjoyed painting this little guy:)
   Acrylic on canvas 8 x 1 0

Steven's painting this week is of clouds and the planets in space.  Very imaginative!

 mixed media 11 x 14


  1. Beautiful work on the wisteria!! I love the soft purple color. :)

    And that elephant, rocks!

    Look at that great imagination Steven has! And excellent use of color too :)

  2. Your paintings are beautiful, Carrie, nice to meet you!

  3. Crystal, Thank You! Your comments make my day and keep me motivated! No pressure:) So glad we are blogging buddies:)

    Arti, Thank You! Nice to meet you also. Thanks for visiting my blog:)
