Available Works

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Vase of Sunshine

watercolor 16 x 20
This week was a struggle. These daffodils caused me some trouble. I saved these guys from a snow storm a week or so ago. I brought them in and put them in my favorite German crock. They were so pretty I decided to photograph them and then paint them. I had the hardest time figuring out my pallet. This is actually my second attempt. The first one I used a paint that was too opaque. So on try two I went with a much more transparent yellow. I'm glad they're finished:) They did turn out pretty sunny, so I guess I'm happy with them in the end.

Steven doesn't have a painting yet, he's a little under the weather. Hopefully tomorrow or sometime this week.

I am happy to report that Brian took a few days off this week and the wallpaper is down, Yay! We ended up renting a steamer, so worth the $20!! I have the walls patched and I will be priming them this week, in between taking care of sick babies.

We took advantage of the good weather and worked on the backyard also. We weeded the beds and Brian mulched and mowed. It's starting to shape up. I am also thrilled that two hydrangeas that we had in pots are actually starting to bud. Hopefully they will bloom this year. Spring is in the Air!!!

See everyone next Monday.



  1. I absolutely love this one. It reminds me of that sunflower painting in my kitchen...wanna trade art supplies for paintings? ;) Its still snowing here and this one warms things right up.

  2. You gotta deal lady! I really do need a German art connection, my paint supply is dwindling. I think you're going to love next weeks:)--If it works out! Thanks for the compliments. I'm on Brian's computer, can't figure out how to get my profile on his computer, even though I'm signed in to my account? Someday I'll figure it all out.

  3. Your paintings have such lovely light in them.

  4. Thank you for your nice comment Elizabath:)

  5. Sorry i didn't comment on this one last week; I looked at it, then got distracted by the kids and didn't post a comment.

    This is one of my favorites so far! I love the bright warm colors contrasting with the dark background. Plus, daffodils bring back memmories of the first signs of Spring in TN. I love always go and pick bunches of wild daffodils, and they smelled so good.

    This painting makes me feel happy and excited for Spring to come!!!!
