Available Works

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sunny Palms longing for Summer

watercolor 8" x 10"

This week the sun made some appearances. It made me long for summer. We are getting the pool ready in hopes of early swimming. I know this is all very premature considering there is a threat of snow next week, but a girl can dream.

When we moved in our backyard was a tropical paradise. We have a beautiful saltwater pool surrounded by tons of banana plants and I added Hibiscus into the mix with their gorgeous blooms, it was heavenly. Well this winter when the banana plants died off Brian chopped them down and uncovered our palm trees that were camouflaged among all of the foliage. So right now the palms are loving life, they get all of the sun they want. They were looking so pretty, Brian and I took some pictures of them. Out of these pictures comes my labor of love this week. I do love the colors in this painting. They are so tropical and summery, they make me long for my pool lounging days. Next week I will be painting an accompanying palm painting, I think it needs a friend. I loved painting this one so much I think I may start the other one right now:)

I did hope to report this week that the my wallpapering project was done, but sadly it is not. It is closer, but not complete. I really do hate wallpaper. Hopefully by next week:(

Steven did a lovely painting this week. Out of a happy little accident (Oh No I'm quoting Bob Ross) he created his masterpiece. He accidentally spilled his cup of water on his painting. It could have been disastrous, but Steven and I are both in agreement that it enhanced his painting. He may be onto a new technique. Hopefully not because we had turquoise water all over the kitchen floor, we also had Sam crawl through it so it was doubly messy.

watercolor 5 x 7

See everyone next week.


All paintings and photographs are copyrighted by me, Carrie Waller and must have express written permission to be used.


  1. How pretty, Carrie. I'm with ya' the sun has been out here, trees starting to bloom and I am "Longing For Summer" as well! Just wish we had a pool to go with that thought.

    Beautiful painting....love Stevens, too :-)

  2. Such a beautiful painting. There's something about palm trees that make me think of good times.

    Steven's painting is wonderful too. It's good that he's learning that there are no mistakes in art at such a young age.

  3. Love the point of view on the palm fronds, and also, loving that Steven seems to have taken on the "painting a week" with you.

  4. beautiful picture...
    so realistic that i looked in again and again to ascertain what am i going to comment about, a painting or a photograph...
    you are a good artist...

  5. I love paintings with light in them. You've captured the light beautifully.
    Very nicely done.

  6. I'm in agreement with you and Steven - a new technique! And I LOVE the story of finding your palm trees. It sounds like paradise, girl. I think you deserve it. Here I was thinking you weren't posting because I had signed up for your blog posts and was getting nothing - but apparently I had not completed my request!!! Oh, my - it's all fixed now. I can get your sunshine right here in Rhode Island. Lovely, lovely painting. You rock!
