Available Works

Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Me Again

My new Japanese art friends:)  So nice to have my work hanging with theirs.

My newest painting "Enlightened" 12" x 16"
I swear that minutes are turning into months before my very eyes.  We have now been in Japan for 5 months to the day.  I can not believe that it has been that long.  There is so much to see and do and I have a  lot of responsibilities with Steven and Sam's school and with my husband's squadron, it  definitely keeps me in a tail spin and I'm still trying to figure out where painting fits in.

I have managed to paint for a show in Charleston, SC.  I managed to get 4 paintings painted for it and had a fifth in the show that I had previously painted.  I also just participated in my first little show in Japan.  It's nice to meet Japanese artists and get to exhibit with them.
I found a neat art store in Tokyo.  It was 4 or 5 stories high, crammed to the gills and you could barely move around there was so much stuff.

I've also had some fun news, like being runner up for Artist's and Illustrator's Artist of the Year.  My painting will be in an exhibit in London at the Mall Galleries and it was featured in the December issue of the magazine.

  I have also finished up two features with magazines.  I'm looking forward to seeing those in print.  I never quite believe it until I have a copy in my hands:)

I wish you could all come and visit and see the amazing sites in Japan.  I don't think I'll ever see all of Tokyo it's just so big.  I need a few more hours in the day:)
